5 Phrases Every Pageant Girl Needs to Hear

Support systems are essential to every pageant girl's journey. Here are five phrases every pageant girl needs to hear from them.

1. You are enough. Sometimes when pageant contestatns don't win it all, they will automatically think something is wrong with them. Why didn't the judges like me? What did I do wrong? When, in fact, they did nothing wrong and competed at their very personal best. Pageant girls need to know that they are enough even though they may not have gotten a fancy title or a crown.

Top 10 Junior Pre Teen Queens at NAM Nationals 2016

2. You're already a queen. Speaking of crowns, you don't need one to be a queen. You are a queen by the way you carry yourself and how you treat others with kindness and respect. Every girl should know that.

Damacia Howard at NAM Nationals 16

3. You are beautiful. It is especially helpful if the phrase comes out of the mouth of dad. Girls need the male figure who in their eyes admires, encourages and supports them. Dads matter!

Addison Wells with her dad at NAM Nationals 16

4. You are valuable. Once shyness sets in at certain stages of puberty or if that's her normal personality, it's important for girls to know that they are an important part of a team. Encourage her to interact, make new friends and have fun with the crowd.
Amirah having a blast during NAMs Neon Party

NAM S TX Opening Number

5. Believe in yourself. Because it's the only way a dream can come true. Once a girl can see that people are in her corner cheering her on, supporting her, and encouraging her to succeed, she'll be more likely to believe the same things people keep saying.

Addison Wells crowing moment as National All American Miss 2016-2017 

-Envision your reign


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