How to Get Your Daughter Ready for a NAM Open Call

Once you've received your invitation in the mail, questions will start flying off the top of your head. What's good to wear? What will be expected of her? How do I make sure she gets in?

The first thing I can tell you is...relax! It's super simple and fun! Here are 5 tips to be sure you're not stressed and have fun at a National American Miss open call:

1. Arrive Early! It's stated in the confirmation e-mail you received, but I have seen so many times where people arrive what they think is 'on time' or even worse, late.  Give yourself 30 minutes prior to start time.  When you arrive, there will be a check in station and your daughter will get a sign with her name on it. Why does she get this sign?  See Tip #2.

2. Photo Shoot Tips. Depending on which state you reside, she'll do a photo shoot.  It will be really quick! The cameraman will snap about 8 or so photos and he'll help choreograph her. Wear bright colors! I personally prefer solids, but patterns can work well also, as long as they're not too busy.

3. The meaning of 'snappy casual': OK moms, just because you hear the word 'casual' it does not mean jeans and a T Shirt!  You always want to dress to impress. You don't have to put on an Easter Sunday dress, but, you want your daughter to look really put together. I prefer a cute sundress. Go sleeveless for a more casual look, or short sleeves if you prefer. Wear coordinating sandals or a pump for older girls. Don't forget to accessorize with color, but don't go over the top.

4. Interview: She'll go through a short interview. For younger girls, she'll be asked things like "What's your favorite color?" or "Who's your favorite Disney Princess?"  Older girls may be asked "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Whatever the question, your daughter will already know the answer because it will be about herself, so don't stress. Encourage your daughter and let her know that she's gonna do just fine.

5. Don't go over the top.  I've seen tiaras, make up on 7 year olds, Disney Princess costumes, 285 hair beads or barrettes, shawls, formal gowns, and more. None of that is necessary. Just encourage your daughter to smile and have fun. Let her personality shine, and you're sure to get the call back!

Envision Your Reign.


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