Helping Your Daughter Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals in Pageantry

Brooke and her daughter after being crowned Miss PA

In a previous article I wrote about the importance of creating a vision board as a success tool in pageantry.  If you've got one,  good for you!  You've completed the first step in achieving a dream. But don't stop there. You have to break down dreams into bite-sized quantifiable chunks in order for your vision to manifest.  In pageantry, it is not enough to simply say:  "My goal is to be the next 'Miss Whoever'!" While this is a very ambitious dream, it simply is not enough.  It's vague, has no action plan, and may not even be realistic.

As an educator, I stress the importance of goals.  I sit down with my students individually and ask them to write down a specific grade they would like to make on their next big test. Then I coach them on specific tasks and steps they need to take in order to achieve the growth they desire.  It's written down and kept in a file in addition to a growth chart of their grades. I repeat this process about every 3 weeks until their ultimate goal is achieved.  Once they've achieved their goal, we celebrate!  Then I have them make a new one, higher (but not out of reach) than the last.

Mamas: You can do this same thing with your daughter in pageantry by teaching her to set S.M.A.R.T. goals. This infographic from the College of DuPage pretty much explains it all:

Now.  Imagine a young teen...we'll call her Lisa. She's never participated in a pageant and she's SUPER excited about her first one she'll enter this summer.

This is NOT a S.M.A.R.T. goal for Lisa:  "I want to be the next queen!"

Lisa, hold on a minute. This is not realistic, time bound, or measurable.  It's like handing my 4 year old a novel , and asking her to read it when she only knows her ABC's! You have to crawl before you walk.

Example of a S.M.A.R.T. goal for Lisa:  "I want to attain the teen title of  'Miss Sunshine State' (Specific) by the year 2018 (Time-bound and realistic).  This year, I want to score at least 8 out of 10 in all categories of competition (Specific and measurable) so that I can have a good chance of making top 15."

  • My ultimate goal this year is to make top 15. (Specific)
  • Next year I want to make top 5.
  • In 3 years, I want to be crowned "Miss Teen Sunshine State" (Attainable)

So, get started on those goals, pageant mamas! These titles don't just happen by accident.

Mikaia is crowned Miss Oregon Princess

Envision your reign.


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