Packing Tips for NAM Nationals

With so many events, competitions, and outfit changes, it can be hectic trying to keep it all together.

Here are tips to help you stay sane as you're getting packed for the national pageant.

1. Create a spreadsheet to help you make sure you have every single item of clothing you will need. Use your pageant schedule, start from the top and go line by line to make sure you have every outfit you'll wear compete with shoes and accessories. CLICK HERE for a template you can have sent straight to your inbox.

2. Lay everything out event-by-event, including shoes and accessores. Separeate accessories by outfit in plastic zip lock baggies and label them by event.

3. Do a "dress rehearsal". Try on every outfit complete with shoes and accessories. That way you'll be able to tell if something's missing like an undergarment or an accessory.

4. Don't forget about your pageant essentials. 

Packing list courtesy of Michelle Boudreaux

Stay organized and you've won most of the battle!  #envision


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