Hannahlaura S. Photo by Steve Drury 1. Budget . You want to be able to fund the pageant journey without going broke. The sure-fire way to start off right is to make a budget. State pageant expenses including entry fee, wardrobe, and lodging could range from $1,500-$2,000 depending on how many optional contests you enter and how well you're able to keep wardrobe costs down. Don't forget to add the cost of photos and coaching if you need it! National pageants- including entry fees, airfare, lodging and expenses can range from $3,000-$5,500. To help manage your money, open a separate savings account for all your pageant-ing expenses and decide which fundraisers or jobs you'd need to do to make it work. Jordyn at her national pageant! 2. Plan Ahead . Make a calendar of all the pageants, events, camps and vacations you want to do this year (so you won't have any conflicts). A very wise thing to do is to plan to attend your out of state or national pageants eve...